Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Ramblings

Things are good. The Tooth (not yet present enough to be called "Fang") has seemingly adjusted to the veggie puree, although we're having other related issues. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and thus will spare the details.

The other day we took one of those marvelous misty morning walks and discovered someone had cleaned up the islands next to the castle. We looked at the geese, screeched back at the seagulls and enjoyed the spooky view. There are stone posts next to the Stairs Leading to Nowhere (I'm sure Marie Antoinette had something in mind back in the day) and they gave off quite a gothic effect in the mist rising off of the water. I'd love to have a picture of it one day; stay tuned for how I'm trying to trick my husband into buying me a better camera (no, no, not that way, purely by outwitting him). I've already won $400. That scene is high on my list of the first pictures to take once I am smart enough to figure out how to get the rest.

Walking back to the apartment, I started thinking about how fall is my favorite time of year in Virginia . It's hard to stop comparing home to here, and I'm starting to accept that I may never stop. However, I realized that I enjoy my current life a lot and that fall is my favorite time of year in France for different reasons. I find it romantic for some reason...maybe it's all the red Virginia Creeper, but there's a nice atmosphere. I'm actually glad there's no Halloween or football season because it would never be the same, anyway. I'll keep the US holidays for the US and try to find a way to celebrate them with The Tooth in our own special way...I'd much rather do that, than participate in some kind of commercialized bastardization. There's always a chance we'll go home during Toussaint and actually get to participate in a real Halloween.

Anyway, along the way I passed several shops that had autumnal decorations...bakery, butcher, chocolate shop... more reasons I love this town. They were simple decorations -- chestnuts, leaves, woodland animals and such -- but made me fall in love with France a little more. I didn't feel a need to go out and spend money on anything, I was happy just looking in the windows. If we ever move back home, I know that I'll be homesick for France. This is why being an expat is tough for me...I'll always be a little caught between two countries.


The Late Bloomer said...

I can totally relate to your feelings here... I feel the same -- I don't necessarily see myself moving back to the U.S. in the near future, but if it ever happened, I would miss SO MUCH about France! And obviously now, living here far from my family, it isn't always easy. I hope I can make it back to the States at the end of the year, if all goes well...

Now I need to get my act in gear and try to get myself a plane ticket!

Love your nostalgia about the fall and Virginia, by the way -- I last lived in D.C. myself, before moving back to France in 2002. So I can relate to that too!

Just me said...

I bet fall is beautiful in Virginia. I'm from Florida, where it's pretty much green all year round!

I like the fact that it at least gets cold in France. And every once in a while we'll luck out and get some snow.

My little one has 2 teeth growing in as well. They are taking forever to come in!