Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Au revoir to a wonderful Granny

Mom is gone and the baby is looking for her. Her visit did us all a world of good. Those of you who know me in person know that I can get really anxious -- I first realized this when a friend gave me The Little Book of Calm AND The Little Book of Calm At Work for my birthday once -- and the past months have been out of control in that respect. It was nice to have Mom around and have that constant encouragement of how happy and fine my baby is. I've heard "C'est pas normal qu'elle blah blah" a little too much, but I can officially state that I am not yet batshit crazy, and if it hasn't happened by now I'm probably going to be okay. Today we had the 5 month pediatrician visit, and her weight gain is just fine and everything else looks great. She really noticed a difference in our baby, who is still slim but has filled out. Slo-J even received praise for how well she could sit up, and I know that is due to the Granny workout. She's tough but gets results, apparently.

I have about a billion things I want to blog about, from cheesecakes to cross-stitch. Or maybe about the magazine we received from our insurance company that had an article stating how France is one of the countries where people wash their hands the least and gave hygiene tips for better living; I found this hilarious. Or perhaps about my love for games of all kinds and how excited I get about having a child HERE IN FRANCE where they make all kinds of seemingly educationally awesome, fun-looking games, which makes me think the crappy TV is a conspiracy by gamemakers. And definitely about my new favorite game which sounds like it would involve predicting the future but definitely does not.

I just need to organize my time to get it all done.

1 comment:

Riana Lagarde said...

ohh my husband used to play Tarot all the time. I should have him teach it to me. Then i can read him his cards later, lol.