Tuesday, September 18, 2007

As If I Don't Have Enough Things To Do Already

I love to read and haven't organized myself well enough to do a lot of it lately. I belong to two book clubs and have managed to keep up with the readings (even if I can't always remember what I've read), but there's always a big stack of books on my to-be-read list and it never seems to get any smaller. I just bought the new Amelie Nothomb book, the Sandra Gulland Josephine trilogy is sitting tantalizingly on the hall shelf, and then there are the two non-fiction books that are tempting me -- In Praise of Slowness and Voyage aux pays du coton. Oh, yeah, there's the biography of honey and all those Anita Shreve books that were on sale... Damn.

The last thing I needed, then, was an enticement to add more books to the pile. It came in the form of a blogger challenge:

I came across this on a book blog I like, took the bait and decided to join. The thing is, it makes me want to buy more books and that is an addiction I am trying to fight. I am thus limiting myself to books I have on my shelf or to books I can borrow from a friend or library (uh, does anyone local have a copy of The Thirteenth Tale I can borrow?).

I am choosing to complete Peril the First, to read 4 books of any length from any subgenre of scary books of my choosing by October 31st. I already own Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White and a collection of works by Poe, so those will be the ones I start off with. I'm going to hold off on naming the second half of my perilous book choice and see what I can find once the sun comes up and I can see my bookshelves better (low wattage, saving the earth and all that...just not good for my eyesight, but it's crappy anyway). Anyone have any good recommendations? Want to join?


Chrisbookarama said...

Your blog is lovely! I love the pics. And an American in Paris cannot be anything but interesting ;)

W said...

i lovelovelove your blog! how fun! so glad to hear E is growing -- you sound so much happier, too. woot woot!

take care,

Betty Carlson said...

I haven't dropped by for awhile, and I really like the new layout. You are in the middle of my sidebar list, and those blogs have been sorely neglected lately.


Pardon My French said...

Thanks, Chris and Lisa! I'll try to get back to the group as well and post more.

Betty -- I imagine you are busy enough with your own 3 wonderful blogs. I need to update my subscriptions for your other ones as well. Thanks for the compliment!

Carl V. Anderson said...

So glad you are joining in! Great choice in the Collins book! I would suggest looking at the R.I.P. review site as there are a ton of suggestions. You can also click on the various links to other people's sites in the original R.I.P. Challenge post to see what others are reading.

The Late Bloomer said...

Hi there! You know what, I'm sure I've been by and read your blog but have never commented -- which is ridiculous of me! I really enjoy reading your posts. I think it's great that you joined this blogger reading group -- I may be tempted to join in myself! But I don't know if I would consistently stick to it... I'm so bad about starting things and then not following through with them -- but I've got loads of books in my to-be-read pile that I haven't read yet either!

P.S. ~ I ADORE Speculoos! You're making me want to buy some... :)