Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just for Judy


Kathy said...

Oh how cute! And happy birthday to her!!! I see you recently got a potty chair??? Are you ready for the "journey" (he he). Sorry I missed your call. David just remembered to tell me (gurrr).

Missing you!

Anonymous said...

How adorable. It looks like she is using both hands to write. I cannot wait to see her again. I would love to reach thru the computer and give her a big hug.
Love you both.

Kathy said...

The bees are so cool! We go to the farm and sit and just watch them comming in and out. David uses a vail and smoker when he opens up the boxes to check on them. Daniel just walks right up to the boxes and isn't bothered at all. Nobody has been stung yet! We are starting to talk about making candles with the wax. And our honey lable may be called "Tasty Buzz" ha ha! Honey harvest time is around June. We still have ALOT to learn.

Unknown said...

Looks like you have a little artiste on your hands!

Chrisbookarama said...

She's an artist! Thanks for joining my Eco Reading Challenge.