Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm a legal alien. Again. Thank God that's over with (for 3 months, at least). It took talking over the stagiare who refused to give me a ticket and a lot of arm-waving and general hoo-hah in order to attract the attention of the lady who was willing to help, but in the end I was able to talk to an authentic person behind the window instead of those automated security trolls out front. I smiled the entire time and made sure I said my polite French greetings: "Good morning, please, thank you and goodbye, madame" at the beginning and end, so I don't feel too badly. The person in charge of my dossier told my husband that the so-called 'help' desk should let me through without problem since I'm already in the system, but we all know it doesn't work that way. Once my number was called, the woman who helped me was very, very nice and said the problem was with the other prefecture who sent my dossier so late. I think she would have given me my actual carte de sejour if she could have, but I'm sure it's not ready yet. Friendly Lady Behind Foreign Persons Window #19, I salute you.

I also managed to pick up my 2 bags of books at the correct post office (it's more of a depot than a post office as we know it...they don't do any banking there). The lady behind that window said, "Oh, it's YOU. You were supposed to come in on FRIDAY, you know!" and then walked off to get my things. You just have to love that kind of's just too funny. I didn't bother explaining the whole situation and that it was in fact my fourth trip to a post office to pick up my stuff. As long as I get my books, I'm happy. The truly funny thing is that in my box today I got another notice for a package and I'll have to go back to the other one tomorrow. I'm sure I'll get another, "Oh, it's YOU," when I show up. Thanks, Mom -- I think this one is yours.


Pam said...

Strut your stuff at the post office! You're a celebrity : )
I SO relate to this post!!!

the fabulous adventures of sarah said...
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